Marv Smith

Shoulder Patient

I met Dr. Foad several years ago through my Granddaughters Track Club, Mississippi Valley Track Club (MVTC). I found him to be a great guy, always there to support his kids, and for that matter, everyone else’s, too!

In February 2022, I was out in my yard walking my dog. The ground was frozen hard in the shady spots-no problem! Then, I walked around to the sunny-side of my house. The ground had thawed and became muddy. All of a sudden my left foot slipped out beneath me and I started to stumble down-hill! To stop my stumbling and certain fall, I stuck out my left hand and planted it firmly on the ground. I spun around 180 degrees and landed on my side. My shoulder hurt like crazy while my Black Lab was licking my face! “Daddy wants to play!” Slowly, I got up. I knew I was “in for it then!”

The next day, I called my new friend, Dr. Foad. I needed help! During my first visit, he took X-rays and conducted several movement tests. He could sense trouble. He ordered an MRI to confirm his early diagnosis. The MRI did that and more. It revealed that I had a broken socket bone, three torn ligaments and two tears in my rotator cuff! Oh, NO!

I had shoulder surgery on April 25th at Morrison Community Hospital. It was 2.5-hrs long. He told me at my first post-op visit that he “repaired a lot of damage” in my shoulder. He told me then that I had to be patient during my recovery. So far, I have been.

Today, I am doing very well! Re-hab is being done under the watchful eye of Dr. Foad. Communication between my doctor and the re-hab tech is testimony to his care for me! My re-hab tech is impressed by Dr. Foad’s work and enjoys working with him. I have always felt like my healthcare is a priority for Dr. Foad. I have never felt like I was “just a number!” I am glad I made the decision to see Dr. Foad for my injured shoulder. He is a brilliant Orthopedic Surgeon, highly skilled, and attentive to my needs and care!