What to Expect During Your Pre-Operative Visit

Dr. Foad is affiliated with Morrison Community Hospital which is located at the Center of Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, 303 North Jackson Street in Morrison, Illinois and Terrace Ridge Medical which is located at the Center of Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, 4622 Progress Drive, Suite C in Davenport, Iowa. Surgery schedule times and locations are based upon insurance contracts, medical history, procedure and availability. Please notify one of Dr. Foad’s team members if you have any specific needs.

During your scheduled preoperative visit you will see Dr. Foad and complete surgery facility paperwork and review preoperative guidelines. He and his team will provide you with all the information to get through the pre-operative to the post-operative process comfortably and efficiently.  At this time you will also have the opportunity to speak with our insurance specialists and ask any questions about professional fees. After paperwork has been completed, you will be directed to meet with our pre-surgical planning nurse and fill prescriptions. If you have any significant medical history you will be required to obtain medical clearance from your primary care physician (PCP) or physician extender prior to your operative date with Dr. Foad.  Dr. Foad and his team will assist you in making arrangements for pre-operative medical clearance.  This may or may not require blood work depending on the type of surgery performed and your health history.

Dr. Foad and his assistants will answer all questions about surgery and post-operative care at the pre-operative visit, review all of your paperwork, prescriptions and direct you to the surgery facility to register for your procedure.

Eating/Drinking Prior to Surgery: We recommend nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night prior to surgery.

Bathing:  We recommend each patient shower, from the neck down, using Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) Soap the night before and the morning of your surgery. For instructions or more information on CHG, read Pre-operative Bathing Instructions with CHG.

  • Do Not shave the area where you will have surgery. Our facility has the trained staff to do this.
  • Do Not use any kinds of oils, lotions, ointments, creams or deodorants on your skin prior to surgery.
  • Do Not use hair grooming or hair-removal products prior to surgery.
  • Remind all staff, friends and family members to wash their hands prior to coming into contact with you at the time of surgery (i.e. hugs, kisses, starting IV’s, etc.)

Responsible Party: The surgery facilities require you have an adult (family member or friend) with you for discharge after surgery.  Depending on what type of surgery you will have, you may need to make arrangements ahead of time for assistance with bathing and personal hygiene, house chores, pet care and grocery shopping.

Blood Thinners: Please discontinue any medications that are listed before surgery.  Aspirin and any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can cause excessive bleeding because of its “blood-thinning” effects.  Dr. Foad or his team will confirm stoppage of aspirin if you need to be cleared by your cardiologist or primary care physician.  These medications are usually held 7-10 days before surgery.  Some over-the-counter herbal remedies that include, but not limited to, St. John’s Wort, Fish/Cod Oil or Gingko Biloba may cause excessive bleeding.

Driving: Based on your procedure you will be notified after your procedure when you may drive. Please make sure you have transportation to and from surgery.

Clothing: Please bring athletic shorts and loose clothing to your office and physical therapy visits.

Crutches/Walkers/Brace(s): Please bring or discuss with Dr. Foad’s team any equipment to your visit for approval. If your equipment is not recommended, we will direct you to a company who can provide the best equipment for your diagnosis and treatment.  Prepare your home with more room for mobility, hallway lights, and please remove throw rugs or any other objects that may increase your risk of slipping/tripping.  Please take your time when getting in and out of the chair, bed or shower.  There is no rush!

Try to get all your home chores such as cooking meals, washing dishes, doing laundry, finishing yard work, snow shoveling, trash pick-up, etc. done before having surgery. You will be surprised how difficult these chores can be after surgery and it can hinder your recovery. Don’t hesitate to ask others for help. This is the time!

Traveling: It is best to avoid flying for as long as possible after surgery. We recommend waiting 10-14 days to fly, in order to prevent blood clots. If you plan to fly within 14 days, we can provide you with medication so you may fly safely. Each procedure performed is unique. Dr. Foad will notify each patient of his/her expected physical therapy protocol and frequency and duration of treatment at your first post-operative visit.  Please refer to post-operative visit page.